Detroit Labor Day Parade a Focus for Palestine Solidarity

By Fighting Words Staff

On Monday, September 2, 2024, the Moratorium NOW! Coalition and several Palestine solidarity organizations converged at the Labor Day Parade to appeal to organized labor to escalate their support for the struggle to liberate Palestine.

Several unions have called for a ceasefire in Gaza as well as an end to the funding of the zionist military campaign against the people of Gaza.

Moratorium NOW! Coalition published and distributed a broadsheet entitled “What Every Worker Should Know About Palestine” which gave some historical context for the intervention of labor unions into the movement to end the apartheid conditions under which millions of Palestinians are living.

In the broadsheet one article pointed to the seven international unions which called upon United States President Joe Biden to end all military aid to Israel.

Also, the publication reprinted the statement issued by the United Electrical workers (UE) exposing the politically motivated governmental attacks on the UAW after it announced its position on Palestine last winter.

Earlier that morning, Vice-President Kamala Harris made a presidential campaign appearance at a nearby establishment where she met with union leaders. Palestine solidarity activists held a rally across the streets where they chanted slogans calling for the end to unconditional support from the U.S. government to the occupying forces in Palestine.

The Palestine solidarity movement has continued to pressure the Democratic ticket to change its position on the situation inside the country and utilize its influence to further the struggle for the liberation of Palestine and the entire West Asia region.

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