By David Sole
On Friday, September 22 Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Ottawa, Canada, where he spoke before Parliament. Zelensky traveled there following a similar stop in Washington, D.C. where he, once again, lobbied for billions more dollars’ worth of weaponry and financial aid in exchange for fighting a proxy war against Russia.
House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota, in addition to welcoming Zelensky, took the time to honor a Ukrainian-Canadian whom he called a “Ukrainian and Canadian hero” for his service in World War II. Rota specifically noted that this 98 year old veteran “had fought against Russia” during the Second World War. Almost the entire parliament rose in two standing ovations to cheer Yaroslav Hunka.
But anyone who knows any history knows that Canada was an ally with Russia in World War II in that struggle against Nazi Germany. Hunka was a member of Adolph Hitler’s Waffen SS 14th Galician Division.
Hatred for Russia among the imperialist western powers blinded the Canadian lawmakers so thoroughly that they ignored the fact that about 97,000 of their countrymen were killed or wounded fighting Hitler’s forces. It is common knowledge, reported even in pro-Ukraine media, that Ukrainian Nazis are honored in Ukraine in the streets and even in the Ukrainian parliament.
Outrage followed. First, Speaker Rota apologized for his saluting this Nazi. Numerous Jewish organizations condemned it as “beyond outrageous.” The B’nai Brith Canada wanted “a detailed explanation as to how this could possibly have taken place in the heart of our democracy.” Poland, a strong NATO ally and supplier of weapons to Ukraine, called for Hunka’s extradition to Poland to answer for his crimes during World War II.
On Tuesday, September 26, Speaker of the House of Commons Rota resigned. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the occurrence “deeply embarrassing” and had to make a public apology himself on September 27. Trudeau was in the audience at the time and joined in the standing ovations for Hunka. Russia’s Foreign Ministry pointed out that “the best possible way to characterize the regime of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau” is that it “has embraced unbridled Russophobia.”
The bigger story, however, is that the proxy war against Russia continues to go nowhere on the ground. All attempts to exaggerate a very small advance on the southern front around the hamlet of Rabotino cannot hide the fact that Ukraine’s “offensive” has made no serious breakthroughs or territorial gains since it began on June 4.
The first of 31 Abrams tanks from the U.S. arrived in Ukraine on September 25. It is uncertain if these few tanks will make any more difference than the German Leopard 2 and British Challenger 2 tanks already being destroyed on the front lines.
The military failures of Ukraine forced President Zelensky to dismiss his Defense Minister. It was revealed on September 18 by the New York Times that all six deputy defense ministers have also been fired.
In the Czech Republic many thousands protested their government’s support for the Ukraine proxy war and demanded their government resign. Also motivating the crowds were high energy and food prices, much of which can be attributed to the severe anti-Russia sanctions adopted by European countries and the U.S. The Associated Press noted that some were demanding that the Czech Republic leave NATO.
Veteran journalist Seymour Hersh wrote on September 24 in Global Research that a senior U.S. intelligence official told him “The war is over. Russia has won. There is no Ukrainian offensive anymore, but the White House and the American media have to keep the lie going. The truth is if the Ukrainian army is ordered to continue the offensive, the army would mutiny. The soldiers aren’t willing to die any more, but this doesn’t fit the B.S. that is being authored by the Biden White House.”
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