Help Save Yolanda Chambers’ Home

Protest Violation of Her Civil Rights by Michigan First Credit Union

Abayomi Azikiwe, Tahira Kemet and Yvonne Jones outside MFCU
Abayomi Azikiwe, Tahira Kemet and Yvonne Jones outside MFCU.

By Fighting Words Staff

Moratorium NOW! Coalition Helps Widow Fighting to Save Her Home.

Yolanda Chamber’s Civil Rights Violated by Michigan First Credit Union (MFCU)


Yolanda Chambers’ husband died on January 23, 2018. MFCU refuses to acknowledge her as a successor in interest even though her name was on the mortgage loan account, in violation of her Civil Rights.

Mrs. Chambers was laid off in March 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, yet she continued to pay the mortgage until November 2021.

Mrs. Chambers’ application for assistance through the Michigan Homeowners Assistance Fund (MIHAF) was approved in February 2022. Charles Holzman, attorney for MFCU, was notified in April 2022, of the approval prior to the sale of her home.

MFCU sold the home in August 2022 for a delinquency of only $2,059.16 after refusing to abide by MIHAF federal regulations which would have made Mrs. Chambers current on her mortgage.

MFCU’s actions are illegal and in violation of Mrs. Chambers’ Civil rights as Successor in Interest as ordered by the Probate Court.

Please call and email to express your concern and urge Michigan First Credit Union to return Yolanda Chambers’ home to her.

Call CEO Jennifer Borowy at 800-664-3828 – wait for prompt to press #

for the directory. Then say “Jennifer Borowy” which gives you her voicemail.

Email CFO Janet Barden –

Initiated by Moratorium NOW! Coalition

Moratorium NOW! Coalition and allies have been picketing three branches of MFCU every Friday since June. The financial institution has summoned the police on numerous occasions as we exercised our first amendment rights of peaceful assembly and advocacy.

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