PAL-Awda NY/NJ Protests Stolen Land Real Estate Sales

Zionists Are Holding Sales of Stolen Palestinian Land in Synagogues and Jewish Community Centers

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By Terri Kay

PAL-Awda NY/NJ held a rally protesting the illegal sale of stolen Palestinian real estate and land in a synagogue in Queens, NY on July 14. It was the latest in a series of similar protests held in New York and New Jersey.  The sales event by YYK Realtors was one in a string of illegal stolen land sales that violate US civil rights and fair housing legislation, including the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which ban home sales events to which registration, entry, and participation are denied on the basis of identity (i.e., race, ethnicity, national origin, and religion).

The organizers from YYK Realtors set up a firewall of attendance registration requirements and questions, intended to exclude everyone but Jews who are linked to specific religious institutions. Not only non-Jews, but secular Jews as well would have a hard time passing their digital obstacle course of screening questions.

The July 14th protest was part of a long-term campaign by the Palestinian Assembly for Liberation (PAL) and PAL-AWDA NY/NJ to shut down property sales by realtors selling real estate on settlements on occupied Palestinian land, deemed illegal under international law, violating Article 49 of the Geneva Convention. Localities with properties listed for sale by YYK Realtors include Efrat, an illegal settlement on the 1967-occupied West Bank.

In early July the zionist entity’s government approved the theft of 1,977 acres of Palestinian land in the West Bank, its largest land grab since the Oslo Accords in 1993. This land theft furthers the zionist project’s aim of the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinian land from the river to the sea—during the ongoing, unprecedented, and horrendous genocide of Gaza, which the zionist occupation forces proclaimed their intent to continue with the assassination of the Palestininan’s chief peace negotiator, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran, Iran on July 31.

The most recent protest was endorsed by over 44 Palestinian, anti-zionist Jewish and social justice organizations in the New York City area, including: PAL-Awda NY/ NJ, Palestinian Youth Movement, American Muslims for Palestine-NJ, Palestinian Assembly for Liberation Mothers Committee, Queens SJP, Jewish Voice for Peace NYC, Jews Against White Supremacy, Jews for the Palestinian Right of Return, Neturei Karta,  NYC Labor 4 Palestine, UAW Labor 4 Palestine, The People’s Forum, ANSWER Coalition and Writers Against the War on Gaza.

YouTube video from the Stolen Land protest:


Several videos of the Stolen Land protest on Instagram:

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