Statement on Hassan Nasrallah

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah.


PAL-Awda NY/NJ and Palestinian Assembly for Liberation join the brave people of Palestine, Lebanon, the free people of the Arab nation and the world in mourning and exalting the martyred leader and hero of Resistance, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, and the heroic commanders who were martyred at his side.

For three decades the hand and word of El Sayed Abu Hadi, the father of martyrs, guided and inspired the forces of Resistance against the genocidal zionist entity and inflicted defeat after defeat on the brutal monster that occupies and slaughters in the land of Palestine and thirsts to seize and destroy Palestine and the Levant. Under the direction and inspiration of the Honorable Martyr Hassan Nasrallah, the US-zionist imperialist monster suffered historically unprecedented defeats only to be driven twice from the soil of Lebanon, and to witness the liberation of prisoners from zionist torture dungeons and the dismantlement of those dungeons.

It is for these victories and his consistent protection and support for the Palestinian people for decades, and now again as they face genocide, that the US-zionist cowards pursued his extra-judicial slaughter from US soil.

El Sayed was a unifying figure across the region, mobilizing and inspiring the heroic people of Lebanon, especially the farmers and toilers of the South, to repel the massive US-made zionist war machine, the most immoral army in the world. His son Hadi was martyred in that battle. He went on to organize unprecedented material and strategic aid to the people of Palestine in the battle to liberate their occupied homeland.

Under his leadership, the Resistance unified the diverse communities of Lebanon- Shia, Sunni, Maronite,Orthodox, Druse, Armenian- so long divided, into a united front for democracy and against imperialism. That unity spread across the region and terrified the forces of imperialism, zionism and Arab reaction.

Now Sayyed Hassan has joined his son in martyrdom. He and his comrades gave their lives for love for the people of Gaza and all of Palestine, fighting to stop US-funded genocide. The enemy martyred hundreds of civilians, destroyed an entire neighborhood in order to take his life, to deprive the people of his wisdom and courage, his strategic and political acumen.

Sayyed Hassan knew well the nature of the hand that struck him, the hand that has martyred tens of thousands of children, women and men in Palestine and Lebanon in the past 12 months. Thirty-two years ago, he spoke at the funeral of his predecessor, Sayyed Abbas Mussawi, martyred with his family by the enemy’s US-made weapons. He said:
“We blame ‘Israel’ for this blood-soaked carnage, and blame its protector, the United States of America, which is responsible for all ‘Israel’s’ massacres and all the destruction, murder, and displacement it wreaks. Everybody knows that ‘Israel’ would not have been able to stand on its own in the region had it not been for Western and American support.”

At a later date he said, “There is a misconception prevalent in the Arab world regarding ‘Israel’-US relations. We keep repeating this lie about the Zionist lobby – that the Jews rule America and are the real decision makers, and so on. No. America itself is the decision maker. In America, you have the major corporations, you have a trinity of the oil companies, the weapons industry, and the so-called “Christian-Zionism.” The decision-making is in the hands of this alliance. ‘Israel’ used to be a tool at the hands of the British, and now it is a tool in the hands of America.”

His blood, like that of tens of thousands of martyrs in Palestine and Lebanon, is on the hands not only of the zionist occupation regime but of that trinity of evil and its servants in Washington. He was targeted in a criminal conspiracy between the zionist occupation regime, the White House and the Pentagon, which gifted it $8.7 billion more of free weapons the very day before the massacre in Dahiyeh. Only the endless flow of arms and dollars from the United States allows the zionist entity to commit such crimes.

El Sayyed joins the ranks of so many people’s leaders targeted by the enemy over the decades: Patrice Lumumba, Dr. Martin Luther King, Che Guevara, Fred Hampton, Ghassan Kanafani, Salvador Allende, Abu Ali Mustafa, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Qassem Soleimani, Ismail Haniyeh and many more.

The enemy thought that these blows would break the Resistance. But, from the words of Sayyed Hassan: “the Resistance will not break. It will not be defeated, because the Resistance is not a conventional army, and because the Resistance is first and foremost the people.”

They have targeted many leaders of the Islamic Resistance in Palestine and in Lebanon and of the PLO before that. But a people that produces such leaders will never be defeated, will never cease to fight for liberation. That is a lesson of the past 100 years. The name of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah echoes from the lips of millions in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, across the region and across the world. His legacy lives on in the hearts of the oppressed. It cannot be eradicated.

The cause of the Resistance, the cause Sayyed Hassan fought for, the cause of liberation is the cause of all humanity. We all must continue his fight.

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