Moratorium NOW! Coalition Activities During February

Covering African American History, Revolutionary Literature and Contemporary Struggle

By Fighting Words Staff

These photographs were taken over the last month at three events held by the Moratorium NOW! Coalition and in conjunction with other organizations.

On February 1, we visited the Detroit Repertory Theater for the matinee staging of Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom written by August Wilson, Directed by Casaundra Freeman and performed by local artists.

Later the following week, on February 8, we held the first in a monthly series called the “Second Saturday Discussion Group” where issues related to working class and oppressed peoples take front and center.

On Saturday, February 22, Moratorium NOW! Coalition participated for the second year in the Red Books Festival marking the 177th anniversary of the publishing of the Communist Manifesto (1848) written by Karl Marx and Frederich Engels.

A host of organizations also had tables at the event held at the Swords into Plowshares Art Gallery in downtown Detroit. These groups included the Communist Party of Michigan; the General Defense Committee (GDC); Detroiters for Tax Justice as well as tables on Palestine and Cuban solidarity.

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