A section of the painting "Los Repatriados: Exiles from the Promised Land" by Nora Chapa Mendoza depicts Mexican immigrants traveling together in a caravan.
Domestic News
Detroit protest for trans rights, October 26.
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Black Lives Matter.Kionte Spencer.
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FW photo: Anne Pruden
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Detroit trans rights demonstration
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Parents demand School Bus Bill of Rights
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Trans protest, Washington, D.C., October 22.
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Hotel workers on strike in Detroit, October 21.
Domestic News

Detroiters striking and fighting back!

By Abayomi Azikiwe Detroit — Public discontent over evictions, foreclosures, water shutoffs and substandard wages can only be ameliorated through organized action. During the early morning hours of Sunday, October 7, members of UNITE HERE […]

Domestic News
Oct. 22, 2018 NYC demo
Domestic News