Haiti protests against military intervention
International News

Fanmi Lavalas Press Release Oct. 12, 2022

Unofficial translation by the Haiti Action Committee Haiti Action Committee is honored to circulate this statement from Fanmi Lavalas, the people’s party of Haiti. As threats of a new foreign invasion ramp up, Lavalas states, […]

attend a rally to demand the return to civilian rule nearly a year after a military coup led by Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, in Khartoum, Sudan
International News
Sudan march against military rule on Oct. 25, 2022
International News
Ethiopa mobilizes against US proxy war on Oct. 22, 2022
International News
101st Airborne Division in Vietnam
International News
Fidel and Aristide
International News
French workers march during protest over inflation
International News
International News
Mali solidarity demonstration for Russian cooperation
International News
Inflation and energy crisis driven by the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine threaten world capitalist financial stability.
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