U.S. wants to break up Russia - China alliance.
International News
Countries with a promised invitation to NATO
International News
Africa students victims of racism by Ukraine authorities
Domestic News
Detroit Moratorium NOW! Coalition and MECAWI demands no war on Russia
Domestic News
Afghanistan protest against US theft
International News

Afghanistan Funds Seized by Biden Administration

By Abayomi Azikiwe While the administration of President Joe Biden is consistently escalating tensions between the Russian Federation and the United States over the status of Ukraine, the people of Afghanistan are condemning the expropriation […]

Truckers in Canada not fighting for the working class.
International News

Canadian Truckers’ “Convoy of Hate”

By Central Executive Committee, Communist Party of Canada This statement is reprinted from the website of the Communist Party of Canada. The original title was “‘Freedom Convoy’: a dangerous movement for the working class, but […]

African Union logo in Ethiopian Herald
International News
Political prisoner Aafia Siddiqui
Domestic News

Aafia Siddiqui, Political Prisoner

By Linda Ford, CounterPunch magazine The media coverage of the hostage-taking at a synagogue in Texas has been predictably hysterical, Islamophobic and inaccurate about Aafia Siddiqui, the apparent political cause of the hostage-taker Malik Faisad […]

Burkina Faso ousted President Roch Marc Christian Kabore
International News
No Picture
International News

“U.S. Claims of Russian Threat to Ukraine Are Groundless”

By Dmitry Strauss The following interview with Struggle La Lucha co-editor Greg Butterfield was originally published by the website Ukraina.ru. Dmitry Strauss: Greg, Russia has raised the issue of nonproliferation of U.S. and NATO missile […]