Billions in international aid to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake went to enrich Haiti’s oligarchs.
International News
U.S. control of Haiti began with U.S. Marines occupying in 1915
International News
July 4 Veterans for Peace display on Michigan war dead from Afghanistan and Iraq at Grand Circus Park
Domestic News
Haiti’s people have never stopped fighting for an end to corrupt, U.S. backed regimes
International News
Cuba First Secretary of the Communist Party outgoing and incoming
International News

Washington Continues to Destabilize Haiti and Cuba

By Abayomi Azikiwe Haitian President Jovenal Moise was assassinated in his private residence during the early morning hours of July 7 in Port-au-Prince. The circumstances surrounding his death continue to unfold within various news agencies […]

International News
International News
Domestic News

International Block the Boat Campaign

BTB Shows the way to move BDS actions beyond individual consumer activism, striking blows with costly community/labor mass direct action initiatives By Terri Kay, a community organizer with Block the Boat Oakland and Block the […]

Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda and China leader Chairman Mao Zedong
International News
Ghana-Guinea-Mali Union of 1960 with Nkrumah, Toure and Keita
International News