April 21, 2019 protest outside Philippine Embassy in Washington, D.C.
International News
Stop U.S. bombings of Syria and everywhere!
International News

No Bombs in Syria or Anywhere Else!

By Moratorium NOW! Coalition and Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI) Two Detroit-based community organizations, the Moratorium NOW! Coalition and MECAWI, have been following the events inside the United States military in recent […]

Coronavirus Zimbabwe roll out set for Feb. 14, 2021 Moment of silence with President
Domestic News

Africa Begins Large-scale Vaccinations Distribution

By Abayomi Azikiwe Several countries within the African Union (AU), a 55-member body encompassing independent states and the Western Sahara, through its Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ACDC), has issued statements in recent weeks […]

Daily protests are paralyzing Haiti
International News

Solidarity with the People of Haiti!

By Haiti Action <action.haiti@gmail.com> Demonstrations took place in cities and towns throughout Haiti yesterday to denounce the Jovenel Moise dictatorship and the US-UN occupation that supports it. In Port-au-Prince a march of over 100,000 people […]

Coronavirus China vaccine through Sinopharm
International News
Coronavirus South African President Demands West Not Hoard Vaccines
International News

Several African Countries Reimpose Restrictions While COVID-19 Cases Rise

By Abayomi Azikiwe In at least three Southern African Development Community (SADC) states a number of high-profile political and military officials have contracted and succumbed to COVID-19. African National Congress (ANC) stalwart Jackson Mthembu was […]

banner celebrating 30th anniversary of Aristide election
International News

Haitian Grassroots Organizations Denounce Moise Regime Repression

By Haiti Action Committee Haiti Action Committee is honored to circulate this statement from grassroots organizations in Haiti.  Written on the 30th anniversary of Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s victory in Haiti’s first democratic presidential election on December […]

Domestic News

Global Implications for the United States Political Crises

By Abayomi Azikiwe Peoples and governments across the international spectrum have looked aghast at the burgeoning divisions within United States society centered around the legislative and administrative direction of the country. On January 6, thousands […]

Polisario Front women soldiers march in formation
International News
Bolivian President Luis Arce on Monday appointed the new high command of the Armed Forces, in an official ceremony held at the Great House of the People
International News

Latin America news

Evo Morales: Situation in Peru Reveals “Double Standards” of Lima Group and OAS Bolivian Police Confirms Former Jeanine Añez’s Ministers Escaping to Brazil and Panama President of Bolivia Changes Military Hierarchy Venezuela’s National Assembly Elections: […]