When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty
International News
South African lawyers at the ICJ
International News
SJP WSU encampment
Domestic News

State Repression and Palestine Solidarity

By Abayomi Azikiwe A nationally coordinated effort to shut down Palestine solidarity encampments across the United States on university and college campuses has further exposed the links between imperialism and the ongoing genocide which has […]

Kevin "Rashid" Johnson poster, 2005
International News


By Kevin “Rashid” Johnson The Zionists kill Palestinian children claiming terrorists attack from behind civilians yet they created Israel use it as a whole society of human shields a nation of settlers where Jewish identity […]

US national security agencies have a lot to worry about
Domestic News
Ilan Pappe making a point
Domestic News
UM sign at the encampment
Domestic News
United Nations General Assembly vote on Palestinian status
International News
Gaza bombing at Rafah crossing
International News
Jewish students at U of M encampment call for divestment from Israel
Domestic News