Wikileaks founder Julian Assange
International News

‘Revealer of Inconvenient Truths’

By Robert Inlakesh Known internationally as a revealer of inconvenient truths and a political prisoner of the West, Assange had profound impacts on almost all corners of the globe. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is finally […]

WSU students say 'No Genocide on Our Dime'
Domestic News
Thousands lost their government and non-government jobs during the “Lavender Scare”
Domestic News

It CAN Happen Here

By Gerry Scoppettuolo Gay Pride month 2024 approaches in the United States in a political environment of both militant resistance and deep foreboding. For the past 75 years the queer community has  continuously struggled to […]

SJP WSU encampment
Domestic News

State Repression and Palestine Solidarity

By Abayomi Azikiwe A nationally coordinated effort to shut down Palestine solidarity encampments across the United States on university and college campuses has further exposed the links between imperialism and the ongoing genocide which has […]

Protestors on the steps of Clio Hall
Domestic News

An open letter to Princeton U President concerning minoritized student safety

Reprinted from the Daily Princetonian We,  the undersigned leaders, community members, and allies of cultural affinity groups of Princeton University — condemn in the strongest possible terms the University’s utter disregard for the safety and […]

Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Mike Johnson (L) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Domestic News
Malcolm X and Shirley Graham Du Bois in Ghana during 1964
Domestic News
White supremacist Sisyphus
International News


  PRISON BLOCKADE ‘there is a time when silence becomes betrayal”   Martin Luther King Jr   For Mumia Abu-Jamal   hoaxers spinners corporate narrative controllers thin blue veilers hired magicians of the […]

International News

National Conference of Black Lawyers Statement on Gaza

By NCBL November 3, 2023 National Conference of Black Lawyers (NCBL) expresses its appreciation to the Center for Constitutional Rights for drafting and circulating its October 18, 2023 Emergency Legal Briefing Paper: Israel’s Unfolding Crime […]

Tampa 5 activist Chrisley Carpio under attack for protesting reactionary Florida education policies at University of South Florida
Domestic News