Sudan refugees in neighboring Chad
International News
Sudan damaged buildings in Khartoum
International News
Sudan crisis continues
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Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman chairs a meeting of Saudi Arabia’s cabinet on 4 April
International News

Why the Saudis Have Called Off their israeli Wedding

By  Ali Abunimah, executive director of The Electronic Intifada After leading Israel’s extreme far-right to victory in last November’s elections, a buoyant Benjamin Netanyahu hoped to quickly resume Tel Aviv’s march towards full normalization with […]

Yemeni fighters against U.S. backed Saudi coalition
International News
After Aramco, Yemenis Capture 2,000 Saudi Troops
International News

Report from Yemen

By Randi Nord Speaking to press on Sep. 28, Brigadier-General Yahya Saree announced the success of an operation dubbed “Victory from God” carried out in Najran province by Yemen’s Army and Popular Committees. Revealing only […]

A water desalination plant in Yemen destroyed by Saudi coalition.
International News