Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni with Russian FM Sergei Lavrov
International News
Biden’s visit to Israel exposes imperialistzionist colonialism.
International News

Collective Statement: Biden in Occupied Palestine and the “Jerusalem Declaration”

By 137 Organizations Collective Statement: Biden in Occupied Palestine and the “Jerusalem Declaration” – Our Response is Struggle and Solidarity – reprinted from Samidoun – Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network The joint declaration of U.S. President […]

Africa drought report
International News
US Transportation Command delivers tens of thousands of tons of military equipment to Ukraine for the proxy war against the Russian Federation
Domestic News

Another Sign of Ukraine’s Failing Proxy War

By David Sole In another sign that Ukraine’s war on behalf of the U.S. and NATO is failing, President Volodymyr Zelensky “suspended” Ukraine’s top security officer and the Prosecutor General. Ivan Bakanov, a long-time friend […]

Europe has secured a huge deal to build planes for China, beating out U.S.’s Boeing corporation
International News
Patrice Lumumba remains returned to DRC
International News

Belgium Returns the Remains of Congolese Leader Patrice Lumumba

By Abayomi Azikiwe Since January 17, 1961, the circumstances surrounding the kidnapping and assassination of Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba have remained a symbol of the legacy of colonialism on the African continent. Lumumba rose […]

The mass protest by garment workers on Feb. 17, 2022, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, won a 54% wage increase
International News

Haiti: The Ransom is Still Being Paid

By Robert Roth, Haiti Action Committee Reprinted from the San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper On May 20th, The New York Times published a meticulously documented series entitled, “The Ransom,” detailing the devastating impact […]

Afghanistan damge from earthquake
International News
Peoples Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles
International News
Domestic News