U.S. needs massive infrastructure investment
Domestic News

Biden’s Infrastructure Plan

By David Sole On March 31 President Joseph Biden unveiled a two trillion dollar plan to modernize the infrastructure of the United States.. Does the U.S. need such an updating of its infrastructure? Most professional […]

Mumia Abu-Jamal while he was on death row for over two decades in Pennsylvania
Domestic News
Assata Shakur in detention in New Jersey prior to her liberation
Domestic News

Plight of the Imprisoned Worsens in the United States

By Abayomi Azikiwe Romaine “Chip” Fitzgerald was a member of the Black Panther Party (BPP) in Los Angeles, California during 1969 when he was arrested and prosecuted under the federal government’s Counter-intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) designed […]

Feb. 14, 2021 over 100,000 denouce Jovenel Moise dictatorship in Port-au-Prince
International News

Fanmi Lavalas Press Release – March 2, 2021

Haiti Action Committee is honored to share this unofficial translation of a recent press release from Fanmi Lavalas Political Organization, the people’s party in Haiti.  The statement was issued at a moment of massive protests […]

Migrant children sleeping in crowded conditions on the US southern border detention center
Domestic News
Mass protest can secure voting rights and important change.
Domestic News
One of Musk’s rockets landing (on Earth)
Domestic News
Demonstration against anti-Asian attacks through downtown Detroit on March 27, 2021
Domestic News
New Georgia law makes it illegal to give water to anyone on line to vote.
Domestic News