By a Texas worker
The Communist Workers League expresses its deepest sympathy to all the families and the entire Uvalde community for its terrible loss.
Below is a letter from a member of the CWL who is a Texas resident thinking about the history of this country that has contributed to the culture of violence that affects us in many ways.
These mass murders are all taking place on stolen land drenched in the blood of the Indigenous, African and Latino/a and other oppressed peoples in the area now known as the U.S.
In Texas some of the worst atrocities against oppressed peoples in human history have taken place. One can’t walk anywhere in any direction where land theft, genocide, mass murders, a Texas Rangers hanging etc. haven’t taken place.
The oil and gas companies in Texas have waged war on unionists for well over a hundred years. Union organizers, leaders and members of all nationalities have been bludgeoned, murdered, tied to railroad tracks etc. with the worst atrocities inflicted against the oppressed and women who’ve been raped by vigilantes on behalf of the capitalists in Texas.
Numerous U.S. presidents have come from Texas and they are responsible for untold atrocities worldwide from Johnson and Vietnam to the Bushes Iraq, Iran etc. Many other national politicians too.
The violence of the over $800 Billion Pentagon budget and how numerous Big Oil companies in Texas get rich from the blood of millions of the oppressed worldwide. Many other war profiteers such as Raytheon, Boeing etc.
The billions in video games, advertising, John Wayne TV shows etc. on capitalist media and imperialist media glorify neo/colonialism.
The violence of no baby formula, evictions and foreclosures, gentrification, water shutoffs etc. which in regard to oppressed peoples are genocide.
The youth and students under 30 have known nothing in their lives except endless U.S. wars, austerity, police terror, student loan debt etc. This is all unrelenting violence which causes incalculable negative mental health and other effects.
The violence of the war on migrants and immigrants from the terrorist Border Patrol to ICE etc.
The violence of Biden telling hundreds of millions in the U.S. to just deal with the complete suspension of any relief for the COVID pandemic while at the same time handing over tens of billions to the Ukraine government which is infested with Nazi’s and other white supremacists.
The violence of the food systems in this country, high sugar content etc., lack of safety laws in meat packing plants and other food production plants.
The violence of all of the unrelenting attacks on women from the shredding of reproductive justice rights to no childcare.
The violence inflicted on LGBTQ people in myriad ways in the U.S.
And so on.
We can’t let the capitalists and imperialists like the Abbotts of Texas off of the hook. They are culpable for all the Uvaldes.
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