Dreams Are Stronger Than Drones
a long time ago
one of my children
asked me
where do dreams go
when they die
i was too young
to know what to reply
today i would say
we all die
our dreams
our immortal children
live on
today the deaths
in Palestine
are sown
by gardeners
too avid to know
that they will harvest
the seeds
than drones
(c) Julia Wright. November 24 2023. All Rights Reserved to the WCWSF – the Wounded Children without Surviving Families – in Gaza and the West Bank
Poetic Petition to Genocide Joe Before He Eats His Turkey
Mr Genocide Joe
you have helped broker
a Thanksgiving truce
in Gaza
where your zionist partners
in war crimes
say they will stop
slaughtering “human animals”
for four days
Mr Genocide Joe
closer to home
you have your own hostages
taken in the cointelpro wars
who still languish
in cages
treated worse than animals
as you pardon
two turkeys
in the White House today
as you get ready to eat your military turkey
and have it too
it would at last be time
to unchain
at least two of your own “human animals” –
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Leonard Peltier
(c) Julia Wright. November 25, 2023. All Rights Reserved to Mumia Abu-Jamal and Leonard Peltier.
Delivery Failed
” I do think it is important to write to Mumia. He doesn’t get all the letters. Mine, for example, are almost always returned to me with a “delivery failed” stamp. So you might not be beginning a relationship, Raven, but then again you might “
Carolina, Friends of Mumia in Mexico
in the solitary confinement
of the rubble
of their homes
in Gaza
fail to deliver
back home
in the solitary confinement
of their dungeons
our political prisoners are often deprived
of their letters
by jailhouse censors
who send them back to the senders
“failed delivery”
isolated behind the bars
of a hostile world opinion
western corrupt and warmongering politicians
who batten off genocide
fail to deliver
on the most elementary ethics
of human rights
there is
no failure to deliver
in our streets
(c) Julia Wright. November 26 2023. All Rights Reserved to the publication of a collection of ” delivery failed ” letters to Mumia. Please hold on to your ” delivery failed ” mail.
For Those Who Bear Witness to the Genocide in Palestine
For those who like Susan Abulhawa and Mosab Abu Toha are bearing witness to the unspeakable in Gaza under genocidal assault by Israel with USA military help since October 7th
“Where is our collective heart?”
Alice Walker
witnesses return
from Gaza
their gaze
turned inwards
with each petrified tear
turned into a dead child’s stone
once thrown
the sight of genocide
and calcifies
into the mind
those who return have seen
what they cannot unsee
and the memorial
has yet to come
because there has been
no burial
they return
trying to find the words
but the horror
is lost in translation
there is no lexicon
for the barbarism
they try to bear witness to
except at times
their memory of the white hot sky
lets through
a luminous whisper
a song
a poem
a rap
breaking the barrier
of maddening sound
they return
and speak
their broken collective heart
of the people’s hope
and we hear them
(c) Julia Wright. November 27 2023. All Rights Reserved to the WCWSF – Wounded Children Without Surviving Families – in Gaza and the West Bank.
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