Black Lives Matter.Kionte Spencer.
Domestic News
FW photo: Anne Pruden
Domestic News
Bodies and devastation on steep incline inside North Taku Fort in China during the Second Opium War, August 21, 1860
International News
Detroit trans rights demonstration
Domestic News
Parents demand School Bus Bill of Rights
Domestic News
Trans protest, Washington, D.C., October 22.
Domestic News
Hotel workers on strike in Detroit, October 21.
Domestic News

Detroiters striking and fighting back!

By Abayomi Azikiwe Detroit — Public discontent over evictions, foreclosures, water shutoffs and substandard wages can only be ameliorated through organized action. During the early morning hours of Sunday, October 7, members of UNITE HERE […]

Domestic News
Oct. 22, 2018 NYC demo
Domestic News
Cops protect Proud Boys meeting at the Metropolitan Republican Club on the Upper East Side
Domestic News

Fascist gangs attack protesters

By David Sole New York City was the scene of fascist gangs violently attacking protesters on October 12. It was widely reported that demonstrators outside of the Metropolitan Republican Club on Manhattan’s upper east side […]