State Fairground Development Coalition sold out by corporate-controlled Detroit CIty Council
Domestic News
Georgia lines up in early voting during Oct. 2020 AJC photo
Domestic News
The AFL-CIO labor federation, headed by Richard Trumka, is seeing the terms general strike and resistance against tyranny, bandied about.
Domestic News
Detroit demonstration led by Detroit Will Breathe against police brutality on the southwest side on Oct. 10, 2020.
Domestic News
Detroit anti-eviction demonstration featured militant speeches from housing activists on Oct. 9, 2020
Domestic News
Africa CDC graphic taken from website
International News

Africa Battles COVID-19 Pandemic Effectively

By Abayomi Azikiwe During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic there was much concern about the impact the virus would have on the African continent. Predictions focused on the underdeveloped healthcare, transportation and educational […]

Federal law enforcement separating families at the southern border with Mexico
International News
Chinese aid arriving in Italy, quoting the Roman poet Seneca
International News

Gung Ho

By Lee Ross When someone is called “gung ho” in English it generally means enthusiastic and dedicated, often with military connotations. This is ironic, because “gung ho” is actually Chinese and Communist in origin, meaning […]

Warren demonstration marches north on Van Dyke on October 3, 2020 Photo Abayomi Azikiwe
Domestic News
Christopher Vialva and his mother Lisa Brown just days before his execution in Indiana
Domestic News