Migrant families caged in a makeshift detention center
Domestic News
Santa Rita jail
Domestic News

Santa Rita jail conditions worsen after prisoners’ strike

By Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee – Oakland Three weeks after a weeklong work stoppage and hunger strike inside Santa Rita Jail, conditions inside the Dublin, California facility have worsened and prisoners are suffering retaliation for […]

Harriet Tubman photograph from the antebellum period in the 19th century
Domestic News
Detroit demolition by private contractors created environmental problems with debris left on sites
Domestic News

Detroit Demolition Bond Proposal Defeated Amid Mass Discontent

By Abayomi Azikiwe On November 19, the Detroit City Council voted down a bond proposal advanced by corporate-imposed Mayor Mike Duggan ostensibly designed to eliminate blighted residential properties in this overwhelmingly impoverished African American municipality. […]

Detroit Education Town Hall on the literacy case featured Victor Gibson DFT retirees president on Nov. 14, 2019
Domestic News
Cassie with ICE Kills sign at SF ICE Dentention Center Close the Camps rally
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Detroit People's Task Force meeting participants on Nov. 14, 2019 at Cass Commons
Domestic News
Chicago Teachers Strike during October 2019
Domestic News
McDonald's workers demand an end to sexual harassment at #FastFoodGlobal Day of Action strike in Detroit on Nov. 14
Domestic News
Domestic News