US-Africa Summit roundtable
International News
Sudanese youth oppose latest framework agreement with military
International News
Taiwan’s President Tsai and ruling DPP rebuffed by voters in local elections
International News
Peru demonstration in Cusco against coup
International News
Peru workers in support of Pedro Castillo after coup
International News
Casualties mount month after month in Battle for Bakhmut
International News
Coup ringleader “Prince” Heinrich XIII arrested in Germany
International News

German Nazi Coup Plan Thwarted

By David Sole Police across Germany carried out raids against Nazis who reportedly were planning an armed overthrow of the government of that nation. Twenty-five ultra-rightists were arrested as 3,000 police officers searched 130 locations […]

Thousands of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University take part in the funeral procession of Jawad and Zafer Al Rimawi, two brothers murdered by lsraeli occupation forces Nov. 29 near Ramallah Photo Times of Gaza
International News
Death and destruction as Ukraine fights U.S.-NATO proxy war.
International News
Egypt COP27 ending without key agreements
International News

COP27 Concludes While the Environmental Crisis Continues

By Abayomi Azikiwe There were high expectations for the United Nations Climate Conference held in the Egyptian seaside resort of Sharm-el-Sheikh. COP27 took place on the African continent amid months of preparations by governments, non-governmental […]