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Burkina Faso anti-French demonstration on Oct. 2, 2022
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Burkina Faso demonstration outside French embassy
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International News
Anti-inflation rallies have hit England
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Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla
International News

The Blockade is an Act of Economic War in Peacetime

By Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla Delegates: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed, as never before, the true essence of the unjust and unsustainable prevailing international order. Humanity never had this formidable scientific-technical potential, nor […]

Dahomey Agojie Women Warrior Agojie
Domestic News
Protesters confront war industry convention and Ukraine’s puppet president Zelensky in Austin, Texas
International News
Organizations around the country call for week of demonstrations against imperialist war
Domestic News

Back to the Streets! Say NO to U.S. Wars

By United National Antiwar Coalition Today working people face escalating costs of food and energy, recession, growing insecurity and attacks on efforts to unionize. The continuing wars and military provocations have brought us to the […]