Women will continue the decades long fight to protect their rights.
Domestic News
Oct7-antiwar demo1_taken by Kim DeFranco
food aid distribution in Haiti by grassroots org
International News
Cuba and China, both targets of U.S. imperialism, strengthen ties
International News

Biden fails to isolate Cuba

By Chris Fry With U.S. officials and their Afghan collaborators engaged in a mad scramble to escape from Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, now is the time to note another huge international failure by the Biden Administration: i.e., […]

Peru President Pedro Castillo among the people
International News
Peru President Pedro Castillo
International News

Peru’s Progressive President Under Attack

By Abayomi Azikiwe Right-wing political interests within the Peruvian parliament backed by international finance capital have sought to besiege the newly elected socialist president of the South American state of Peru. There was a tremendous […]

Sali Piblic (Kreyol for public safety)
International News

Fanmi Lavalas Position Statement, July 31

By Executive Committee of Fanmi Lavalas POSITION STATEMENT OF FANMI LAVALAS POLITICAL ORGANIZATION (Unofficial translation from the Kreyol by Haiti Action Committee) July 31, 2021 Since the electoral coup d’etat that put in power the […]

Block the Boat NY-NJ action
International News
Freeway banner drop on July 28th, 2021 in Oakland, California over highway
Domestic News
Domestic News