Poster memorializing those massacred in Odessa Ukraine.
Domestic News
Julius Nyerere and Kwame Nkrumah leaders of the Tanzanian and Ghanaian Revolutions in Africa
International News
Medical team in Wuhan.
International News
Malcolm X with Muhammad Speaks-AP
Domestic News
Detroit Palestine Solidarity demonstration at the Joe Louis Fist on Jefferson downtown
International News
Wet'suwet'en Access Point on Gidimt'en Territory
International News

Palestinians stand in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en nation

The TransCanada Coastal Gaslink pipeline aims to steal Wet’suwet’en land, use resource extraction to solidify control over Indigenous territories, destroy the environment and violate Indigenous laws. By Palestinian BDS National Committee – Canada From the […]

Palestinians protest Trump's "fraud of the century' in Rabat, Morocco.
International News

Palestine Will Be Free!

By David Sole U.S. President Donald Trump proudly announced his long awaited Middle East “peace plan” on January 28. Standing next to him was a beaming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Conspicuously missing, however, were […]

Berlin Conference on Libya held in Jan. 2020
International News
UN inspectors in Syria in 2013
International News
David Sole, a MECAWI spokesperson, speaks to Channel 4 TV
Domestic News

Condolence letter to Iraq and Iran

On Tuesday, January 7,  a delegation of 8 Detroit anti-war and community activists delivered the following letter to the Iraq Consulate in metro-Detroit. A number of media figures were given the letter and some interviews […]