Countries with a promised invitation to NATO
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Detroit Says 'No War on Russia' on Feb. 11, 2022
Detroit Moratorium NOW! Coalition and MECAWI demands no war on Russia
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“U.S. Claims of Russian Threat to Ukraine Are Groundless”

By Dmitry Strauss The following interview with Struggle La Lucha co-editor Greg Butterfield was originally published by the website Dmitry Strauss: Greg, Russia has raised the issue of nonproliferation of U.S. and NATO missile […]

Afghanistan withdrawal by the Pentagon portrayed in Global Times
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International News

Instability in Mali Caused by Imperialist Foreign Policy

By Abayomi Azikiwe A mutiny by lower-ranking military officers on August 18 in the West African state of Mali has prompted the condemnation of regional, continental and international organizations. President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was forced […]