Mass funeral after the zionist massacre in Jenin Refugee Camp
International News
Thousands of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University take part in the funeral procession of Jawad and Zafer Al Rimawi, two brothers murdered by lsraeli occupation forces Nov. 29 near Ramallah Photo Times of Gaza
International News
Neturei Karta supports Al-Awda-NY 9/18/22 rally in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila massacre in Lebanon. They are an orthodox Jewish sect who "oppose the so-called "State of Israel'
Domestic News
International News
U.S. oil giant Chevron plunders natural gas from the stolen waters off Palestine.
International News
Biden’s visit to Israel exposes imperialistzionist colonialism.
International News

Collective Statement: Biden in Occupied Palestine and the “Jerusalem Declaration”

By 137 Organizations Collective Statement: Biden in Occupied Palestine and the “Jerusalem Declaration” – Our Response is Struggle and Solidarity – reprinted from Samidoun – Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network The joint declaration of U.S. President […]

Domestic News
Dearborn Nakba Day march thru the neighborhoods
International News

Palestinians March and Rally in Dearborn on Nakba Day

By Fighting Words Staff On the 74th anniversary of the Palestine al-Nakba, the catastrophe, hundreds of people rallied and marched in Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb right outside the city of Detroit. Various organizations spoke during […]

Protest against the israeli Dance Theater in Detroit
International News
Al-Awda conference
International News

Palestinian Human Rights Leaders Blocked from Traveling to U.S. for Major Conference

Al-Awda Press Release Palestinian human rights leader Ubai Aboudi, featured speaker at AL-AWDA NY “Rising to Return” conference, blocked from traveling to US along with colleague Sahar Francis Registration and information: Twitter: @alawda Instagram: […]