Ukraine casualties mount in Avdiivka fighting
International News
Russia and Ukraine conflict map
International News
U.S. MQ-9 spy drone legitimate target in war zone
International News
19 years ago President Aristide of Haiti was overthrown in a violent coup
International News

Haiti: 19 Years After the Coup D’Etat

By Fanmi Lavalas, translation by Haiti Action Committee Haiti Action Committee is honored to publish this recent statement from Fanmi Lavalas, the people’s party of Haiti. The statement commemorates the February 29, 2004 coup d’etat […]

Haitian people have never stopped protesting foreign intervention supporting corrupt regimes
International News

Haiti: “The Truth Speaks for Itself”

By Robert Roth, Haiti Action Committee On December 16th, 2022, Fanmi Lavalas – the people’s party of Haiti – released a statement commemorating the 32nd anniversary of the first democratic election in Haiti’s history.  In […]

1972 (c) - Detroit - 7000 turn out to protest Pres. Nixon
Domestic News
U.S. backed protesters in Tbilisi, Georgia threaten neutralist government
International News
Tens of thousand protest in Berlin against arming Ukraine
International News

Ukraine’s Situation Getting Worse

By David Sole The military situation in the Donbas region is steadily worsening for the Ukrainians. The city of Bakhmut, the scene of fierce fighting for many months between Russian Federation forces and Ukraine’s military, […]

W.E.B. Du Bois and Shirley Graham Du Bois in China with Mao in 1959
International News
Openly nazi units operate for past 9 years in Ukraine after U.S. engineered 2014 coup
International News