By Anti-imperialist Solidarity Meeting for Democracy and against Neoliberalism, Nov. 1-3, 2019
The Government of the United States has continued its hostility against Cuba, with increased aggressiveness in recent months. The tightening of the blockade, its marked extraterritorial nature, application of the Helms-Burton Act and other mechanisms and additional sanctions constitute the principal obstacle for the socio-economic development of the Cuban nation, an attack on its sovereignty and flagrant violation of the principles of the International Law.
We, the peoples of the world, need the example of Cuba and therefore, we have the commitment to defend it from the attacks of Yankee Imperialism and to support it in the fulfillment of its noble aspirations to build a prosperous and sustainable nation, with the slogan of Jose Marti which says: Whoever rises up today with Cuba, rises up for all times!
Inspired by the legacy of Fidel, and throughout over 150 years of struggle, resistance and victory of this heroic nation; proud of the steadfastness and iron-clad unity of the Cuban people before the obsessive economic war, aggressive escalation and hostile policy of Yankee Imperialism, the 1332 delegates of 86 nations met from the 1st to the 3rd of November 2019,
- To demand the lifting of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the government of the United States and we condemn the implementation of the Helms-Burton Act, violator of the principles and basic norms of International Law, which persists in its aim to destroy the Cuban Revolution.
- To support and back the Resolution entitled “Need to end the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”, which will be presented at the United Nations General Assembly on the 6th and 7th of November, 2019.
- To demand the return to the Cuban people of the territory illegally occupied by the Guantanamo Naval Base, usurped over one hundred years ago by the US government, in violation of Cuban sovereignty.
- To reject the growing aggression of the government of the United States and its allies against the medical collaboration programs, one of the noblest expressions of the spirit of solidarity and internationalism of the Cuban Revolution.
- To demand cessation of the subversive and destabilizing programs against Cuba and for Cuba’s right to self-determination and independence be respected.
- To spread the truth about Cuba, countering the media campaigns funded by the American administration with millions of dollars from its federal budget, and which systematically slander, distort and lie about what is happening in the country and hide the achievements of the Revolution.
- To ratify that Cuba is a safe, peaceful and healthy country for Cubans, foreigners, accredited diplomats and for the millions of persons who visit every year, including American citizens.
- To support the Cuban Revolution which is based on the principles of solidarity, social justice, internationalism and indivisible unity, and which constitutes a reference point for our peoples.
- To strengthen the bases of the Solidarity with Cuba Movement through greater coordination of social and people’s movements and the forces of the Left, in order to promote the actions of solidarity before the imperialist and interventionist policy of the government of the United States and its allies.
- To develop the greatest and most urgent mobilization possible by carrying out public and media actions, on a permanent, systematic and intensive basis, condemning the escalating aggression of Yankee Imperialism against the Cuban people.
We thank Cuba for its hospitality and its solidarity with all the peoples of the world. We support all its efforts for the unity and integration of our nations, for which our forefathers fought so hard.
We recognize that, despite the limitations put upon Cuba by the economic barrier policy, its Socialist Revolution has achieved that its people enjoy the rights and freedoms fundamental for the full development of all Cubans, without resorting to neoliberal formulae. Moreover, its constant internationalist practice has contributed to the development of human rights in many countries in the world.
At this decisive moment for the struggle against the imperialism of the US and its allies, and for democracy, justice and peace, we join our actions to the legacy of Fidel who declared: “Let us sow faith and we will be sowing freedoms; let us sow hope and we will be sowing freedoms; let us sow solidarity and we will be sowing freedoms”.
Yankee Imperialism, Hands off Cuba!
Long live the friendship among our peoples!
Long live the heroic Cuban Revolution!
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