Pivot to Peace with China and the World


By San Francisco Labor Council

Whereas, the San Francisco Labor Council, representing some 100,000 working people in labor unions, has many times advocated the resolution of international problems by peaceful means, and opposed attempts to draw the United States into war, and

Whereas, the so-called Pivot to Asia of 2011 was in fact a pivot toward war and confrontation that identified China as a competitor and adversary, carrying with it the threat of nuclear war, and

Whereas, this dangerous policy has created palpable feelings of fear, animosity and even hatred not only toward the People’s Republic of China but toward Chinese people in general and Chinese-American citizens and other Asian peoples in the United States, and

Whereas, humanity now faces multiple crises which threaten the well-being and very survival of our species, crises which demand the cooperation of the two largest and most powerful countries, China and the United States,

Therefore be it Resolved that the San Francisco Labor Council urges the government of the United States to reject escalation towards global conflict and instead pursue peace, non-intervention, and cooperation with China and the rest of the world.

Adopted by the San Francisco Labor Council on July 13, 2020.


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