China has developed sodium ion batteries to replace lithium ions which are more expensive and much less available
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Detroit UAW strike solidarity rally, Fri. Sept. 15, 2023
Domestic News

Detroit UAW March in Solidarity with “Stand Up Strike”

By Fighting Words Staff On Fri. September 15, 2023, thousands of UAW members and their supporters marched through downtown Detroit outside the Annual International Auto Show in solidarity with the recently called strike against Stellantis, […]

UAW picket day 1
Domestic News
Detroit demonstration against water shutoff on July 18, 2014
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UAW GM Strike in 2019
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Protestors demanding that GM pay state and federal taxes
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A contingent from UNITE HERE union joins the picket line outside the General Motors Tech Center in Warren
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National Trade Union Central of Brazil
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International solidarity will help beat GM

By Jerry Goldberg A recent bourgeois commentary on Market Watch, predicted that the UAW strike against General Motors could not win. Why? Because “Today GM carries large stockpiles of inventory, and its suppliers and assembly […]

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