Polish May Day march against Ukraine war
International News
May Day Detroit 2024
Domestic News
British Junior Doctors on strike
International News
Detroit May Day GEO delegation in Clark Park
Domestic News
In plazas across the island, five million Cubans demonstrated their commitment to the Revolution and our struggle to build a socialist society based on social justice and international solidarity
Domestic News

May Day Rallies Held in Detroit and Worldwide

By Fighting Words Staff Activists from various labor and mass struggles shared their perspectives on the campaigns for raising the minimum wage, environmental justice against climate change, youth workers organizing a union in the Starbucks […]

Detroit May Day 2021 MECAWI Banner in the lead
Domestic News
Domestic News

Driving the Motor City

By Elena Herrada There is a movement building in Michigan to restore undocumented immigrants’ right to drive. Movimiento Cosecha, a national organization, held marches on May Day, including several across Michigan. Detroit’s turnout was great, […]