By Terri Kay
On the second anniversary of Charlottesville, as part of a national call for Days of Action to Smash White Supremacy and Impeach Trump for Hate Crimes, a rally was held on Saturday, August 10, at Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s office at the San Francisco Federal Building.
The rally focused on holding Nancy Pelosi responsible for the historic and monumental failure of the leadership of the Democratic Party to challenge Trump’s policies of white supremacy. The tool of impeachment requires no further proof of Trump’s commission of federal hate crimes than that which is already in the public record, on video and Twitter.
Held on the heels of the mass shootings in Gilroy, CA, El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH, attendees and passers-by were clearly moved and convinced of the ties between Trump’s white supremacist, xenophobic actions and rhetoric and a number of mass shootings in the past couple of years. Rally organizers pointed out that Pelosi’s failure has intensified the suffering of thousands of migrants along the U.S. southern “border”, caused by ‘45’s hate crimes. She pushed through a multi-billion-dollar bill that provided funding for the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), with none of the amendments negotiated by progressives for added migrant protections.
Her failure to challenge the White Supremacist in Chief has enabled him to threaten an illegal extension of his term of office and disregard the 2020 election results. Pelosi’s own racist attacks against “The Squad” of four Congresswomen of color emboldened Trump to wage relentless racist attacks on them and then on African American representative Elijah Cummings and the entire city of Baltimore—which Trump went on to describe as a place “no human being would want to live.”
Pelosi’s conservatism, together with all the Democrats who are unwilling to challenge her, will enable Trump and his wealthy backers in the upcoming economic downturn to continue to wipe away every social gain won for poor and working people since the days of Roosevelt.
The rally was organized by the Peoples Alliance – Bay Area, and locally endorsed by Anti Police-Terror Project, Colectiva Brown Berets de la Bahia, who co-emceed the rally, Communist Workers League – Bay Area, CODEPINK San Francisco, Xochipilli Latino Men’s Circle (of San Francisco Bay), and Workers World Party – Bay Area. The Community READY Corps provided security, together with the Brown Berets.
Jesse of Colectiva Brown Berets de la Bahia speaks at rally at San Francisco Federal Building, where Nancy Pelosi has her district office. Pelosi was in town, but didn’t come out to speak to us. | Video: Terri Kay |
Here’s a link to news coverage of the rally: https://www.kron4.com/news/she-needs-to-twist-some-arms-crowd-rallies-outside-pelosis-office/
National endorsers of the Days of Action were: Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice (MECAWI), Moratorium NOW! Coalition, Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement, Peoples Alliance – Bay Area, In Defense of Our Lives, Peoples Power Assembly, Youth Against War and Racism, Communist Workers League, Struggle – La Lucha for Socialism, Socialist Unity Party, Labor Against Racist Terror, Colectiva Brown Berets de la Bahia, Fox AntiFa CODEPINK San Francisco, Workers World Party, Anti Police-Terror Project
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