Domestic News
Anti-nazi rally in Madison WI on Feb. 10, 2024
Domestic News
Pan-African Congress of 1919
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Domestic News

Stop Nazis in Wisconsin

By People’s Unity Coalition The Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement and allies are mobilizing numerous individuals and organizations across Wisconsin to respond to a growing threat by Nazis and other fascists across that state […]

Part of the threat of fascism is the ultra-right Project 2025
Domestic News
January 6, 2021 was the dress rehearsal. The working class must prepare now for a possible Trump fascist coup
Domestic News
Judge Francis J. Mathew takes action against Trump insurrectionists.
Domestic News
VT AFL-CIO Executive Director Liz Medina calls on national labor conference to form Anti-Fascism Task Force on June 14.
International News
Police assisted ultra-rightist takeover attempt against The People’s Forum in New York City
Domestic News
Stop The Hate Rally in Manitowoc, WI August 10, 2021
Domestic News